IIS 为优化服务器性能,会自动对它认为休眠的应用程序进行资源回收,资源回收将会导致网站应用程序关闭。
网络上普遍有两种解决方案:1.优化IIS服务器配置 2.设置程序休眠重启
DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews.
Saving user files in a web application is pretty much a necessity in many cases be it images, videos, or documents. This post will go over how to easily implement both the back and frontend components to facilitate the storage of files to a database. Additionally, we will be using DropzoneJS to prettify and make the front end uploading process more smooth. First we will lay down the backend framework to facilitate the persisting of user files to the database. We will start by going over the backend implementation by creating a basic REST server, using Java Spring, with endpoints to both accept and send files. This will then be followed up with a frontend implementation using html form and DropzoneJS as the library to upload files.
You can follow along by downloading the complete source found on GitHub.
GitHub 以当前世界最大、也是最流行的代码托管平台和程序员的社交平台闻名遐迩。在代码托管平台的构建之外,GitHub 也开放出 GitHub Pages 服务,方便程序员们发布项目的说明文档,提供给开发者们相关的项目资料。而 gh Pgaes 的美好之处在于,它有足以胜任成为一个独立博客的能耐。
一直以来都想搭建一个自己的博客,但是近半年做项目太忙,再加上教研室的网络很坑爹,所以也一直没顾得上。之前用过 WordPress 托管在免费的京东云擎上,但是速度太慢。在知乎上看到一些相关的内容,于是选择了在github上用jekyll搭建博客。